Monday Motivation #15 The Perfect Friend


From the day my parents brought me home from the hospital as a newborn, I’ve been blessed with friends.  I’ve had dependable and loyal friends, and friends I could share my deepest secrets and struggles with. I’ve had friends that I could laugh with and cry with. And I’ve had friends that have stood by me during the best of times and in times of adversity.

Unfortunately, I’ve also seen friends come and go. I’ve been blessed with the best of friends but I’ve also had friends that left me feeling lonely, insecure, betrayed, rejected, disappointed, discouraged, and defeated.

Everyone wants and needs a friend, and everyone has struggled with friendships at one time or another in their life. It can be hard to sow and maintain the seeds of friendship. But while we are all imperfect people making us all imperfect friends, there is one friend ” who sticks closer than a brother.” That friend is Jesus Christ.

Jesus is the Friend that is dependable; never changing with the seasons or moods. He is loyal; he will never leave you. Jesus is our tenderhearted friend; the gentle and tender Good Shepherd. And while others may reject you, Jesus will never reject you.

Jesus said in John 15:13 “There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” Jesus is the one who laid his life down for sinners. He had us on his mind when he hung on the cross, taking the punishment for our sins. He suffered and died, was buried and raised so that anyone who believes in Him would have forgiveness and eternal life.

Friendships may come and friendships may go, but Jesus is the Perfect Friend who gave his life for you and will always stand by you!

© 2018 Robin R King

John 3:16 New Living Translation (NLT)

“For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.

Proverbs 18:24 New King James Version (NKJV)

24 A man who has friends must himself be friendly,
But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.


no greater love



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