A Sweet Friendship

After I was born, my parents brought me home from the hospital to a best friend,  the little girl next door. As we grew, we did everything together. We did all the things little girls would do. And I was delighted with my best friend. But one day, I came home from school, and there was a “for sale” sign in the front yard of my best friend’s house. My best friend moved away, and I felt lonely.

Later, I met a new friend. She was happy, extroverted, confident, and fun to be around. I was delighted to have a new best friend. But then it came time for junior high, and we went to different schools. School district lines separated us, and I felt very insecure.

I connected with another girl in junior high. We had a lot of things in common and started hanging out together.  Unfortunately, I discovered that this friend couldn’t keep a secret. I couldn’t trust her anymore.And I felt betrayed.

In high school, I met a new friend. We had a good time. Too good! Neither of us was a good influence on the other and we eventually went separate ways after graduation. We went off to college, but time and distance created a chasm that was hard to overcome, and we grew apart. I lost another best friend. I felt disconnected

Happily, I met my husband; we got married, had a child, and began attending church together. I was pretty content, but I felt a void in my life because I did not have a good girlfriend. At church, I was excited about the possibility of connecting with other women and finding someone I could confide in and do some things with.

However, I discovered many women were already connected; some were not welcoming, and I felt like an outsider. Sadly, there can be clicks in the church! But I did participate in a Bible study with women and met someone about my age – a young mother. We connected, and so did our husbands. Unfortunately, the couple announced they were moving away for a great job offer, and now, another friend was leaving me.

I was disappointed, discouraged, and defeated.  

All I wanted was that special connection with someone.

Proverbs 27:9 says, “a sweet friendship refreshes the soul.”

Who doesn’t want that refreshment? We all need connection. God wired us for friendships and connections. 

My story DOES have a happy ending. 

In 2 Timothy 2:22, Paul writes,

“Enjoy the companionship of those who call on the Lord with pure hearts.”

Paul is telling Timothy to surround yourself in a community of like-minded believers who approach God with sincerity, and who love Him. 

I prayed for friends, and the Lord graciously led me to sweet friendships and community.

The Lord led me to like-minded women.

We pray for each other.

We encourage each other.

We speak the truth in love. (“as iron sharpens iron” – Prov 27:17)

We make allowance for each other’s faults.

We hold each other accountable.

We push each other to grow our relationship with Jesus and pursue His purpose for us, encouraging each other to use our spiritual gifts.

And we have fun together!

Friendship is a process, but there are some lessons to learn. Just as Jesus should be the foundation of a marriage, so should he be the foundation of our friendships and community. When Christ is the center – the foundation – the “one another’s” needed for community will flow. 

Do you know there are about 59 “one another’s” in the Bible? Love one another, Forgive one another, Honor one another, Greet one another, and be kind to one another, just to name a few! The list goes on and on, and there is no way we can do the “one another’s” unless we belong to Christ, have the Holy Spirit in us, and make Him the foundation of our lives AND relationships!

We need to be reflections of Christ in everything we do, including our relationships Everything we do, we do as a representative of Christ. 

We must remember that while friendship and community are lovely, there is only one perfect friend. Jesus. With Jesus, you will never feel lonely, insecure, betrayed, disconnected, disappointed, defeated, or discouraged. 

Jesus is dependable, trustworthy, loyal, always available, tenderhearted, merciful, and forgiving. 

Jesus was rejected, but he will never reject you.

Jesus was betrayed, but He will never betray you. 

Though he was abandoned, He will never leave you.

He is faithful even when you are unfaithful. 

He welcomes everyone.

He desires a friendship with you. 

Jesus said, “There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” (John 15:13)

He is the ONE who laid down His life for you. 

He had you on his mind when he hung on the cross, taking the punishment you deserve for your sins. 

So, if you, like me, have looked for friendship and community, start with Jesus. Let Him be the foundation of a precious friendship and community. Love Him and love others, and enjoy the companionship of like-minded women who are sincerely seeking Jesus together. 

© 2024 Robin R King

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