Pack Up the Labels, Unpack the Truth

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Week Two: Feeling Undesirable, Unwanted, Unwelcome and Uninvited?

I remember the dreaded playground games of my elementary school days. Games like “Red Rover” and Dodgeball come to mind. The teacher often would appoint team captains and allow them to choose their teammates. I was tiny, and needless to say, because of my minuscule frame, no captain wanted me on their team. I stood there, feeling increasingly unwanted as each of my classmates was chosen and I was left standing alone, pencil legs and all. On that playground, I learned at a tender age that I could be undesirable, and it has been a label that has stuck ever since.

In my last post, I wrote about the labels we wear daily. According to, one of the definitions of a label is “a short word or phrase descriptive of a person, group, intellectual movement, etc.”. The problem with our labels is they come from the world and ourselves. When we believe and apply those labels, they distort the truth and alter our perspective, and we do not trust or believe God’s Word and promises. 

What labels do you wear? How have they distorted the truth about yourself and God?

When we apply the labels, we listen to the world and ourselves and neither can be trusted. But Romans 12:2a tells us – 

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, 

but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”

We conform to the world when we wear the labels of ourselves and the world; therefore, we need to be transformed and our minds renewed. We must open God’s Word and see what He says about Himself and us. Only then can we pack up the worldly labels, send them away, and unpack and put on the appropriate labels for a child of God. 

You like me, might wear the undesirable label. The undesirable label can be translated as unwanted, unwelcome, uninvited, and unattractive. That is how the tiny girl being whack by a hard, angry dodgeball saw herself. Later, she would see herself as unwelcome in a group of other students at school or uninvited and unattractive when others were looking forward to a date to the dance, and she knew she would be at home.  

But undesirable is not a label God has written for you and me! When you think no one wants you or you have no appeal to anyone, remember God wants you. He created you and has chosen you to be His. If you believe in Jesus Christ and his death on the cross for your sins, you are a child of God. (Galatians 3:26) You are a Daughter of the King. And you are loved with God’s faithful and unending love.

“For we know, brothers and sisters loved by God, that

he has chosen you,” 1 Thessalonians 1:4

As a tiny little girl on the playground waiting to be picked last, I am amazed by how comforting these words are! Can they be to you, too? We are not undesirable and unwanted. God has extended His invitation to us to be a part of his family. God welcomes you and me through His Son, Jesus Christ. Our frame and face don’t matter to God. He sees us as his beautiful children. 

Being chosen by God means we can pack up undesirable, unwanted, unwelcome, and uninvited labels. Then, we can unpack and apply God’s labels that say desirable, accepted, included, and beautiful.  

It is easy to look back over the hurts of our lives and find it hard to understand good purpose and reason. But God reminds us of one of His reasons in 1 Peter 2:9 – 

“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.”

You and I may feel undesirable, unwanted, unwelcome, and uninvited, but we must take hold of God’s Truth. He chose us. And He has chosen us to be His for purpose. We can see the beauty of being God’s daughter, so we too can declare “the praises of him” who did not leave us on the playground unwanted and alone. He chose us to be a part of His team. (And we’re on the winning team!)

Heart Moment: Can you remember a situation or event that made you feel undesirable? Find a journal and write it down. Then, search for and write a verse from God’s Word reminding you how much God loves and wants you. (1 John 3:1 is a good one!) In doing so, you will unpack the worldly label and replace it with God’s label, experiencing transformation and renewing your mind 

Prayer: Heavenly Father, you are perfect in your love for me. Thank you for making a way for me to be a part of your family through your Son, Jesus. I confess that sometimes I don’t feel loved and wanted, but your Word says otherwise. Help me remember how much you love and desire us and share that truth with others who need to know.  

© 2024 Robin R King 

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