Open My Eyes, LORD!

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“Open his eyes, LORD, so that he may see.”

2 Kings 6:17a

As the medical team readied for my procedure, I lay on the hard, unforgiving table in a cold cardiac catheterization lab. The hustle and bustle of preparedness and business-like voices of strangers whispered around me as if I were invisible. I had suffered a heart attack, and the cardiologist ordered a heart catheterization to explore and decide the next best step of treatment. While the procedure is generally safe, it is not without risks. Even with that knowledge, I felt very much alone in that raw, sterile room and very much afraid. 

I wanted to cry. My eyes got a bit soggy, and I fought, with no success, to hold the tears back. I had no tissue since, in that hospital gown, I had no pocket to hold the tissue, as I remembered my mom always did in her pockets. I would have had plenty if I were wearing one of her robes or jackets. And possibly a mint.

How could I wipe away the tears rolling down my cheeks? At that moment, I had a choice. I could surrender myself to the fear, or I could surrender my fear to faith. 

When was the last time you had to choose between faith and fear? When was courage hard to find? Perhaps you had no tissue, either?

In 2 Kings 6:8-17, we read Israel was at war with the king of Aram, and the “man of God,” Elisha, warned the king of Israel not to pass the place where the Arameans were along with other dangerous places. Elisha’s warnings to the king of Israel angered the king of Aram, so the king sent men to capture Elisha. He sent horses, chariots, and forces, and they surrounded the city. Elisha’s servant saw that the army had surrounded them, and he was afraid. But Elisha told the servant, “Don’t be afraid,” and prayed for the LORD to open the servant’s eyes so he could see the protection of the LORD with an encompassing larger force of horses and chariots of fires all around Elisha. Elisha knew God and knew His protection was greater than the enemy’s threat.

My fear was real, but I had to choose not to surrender to the feeling. Instead, I decided to trust God, to choose faith over fear. On that table, I prayed and surrendered myself to His protection and plan, whatever that may be. Like Elisha, I could make that choice at that frightening and uncertain moment because I knew God is greater than any threat I may face in this life, and He keeps His promises. 

In Deuteronomy 31:6, God promised the Israelites that God was with them and would not leave them. That promise is for me and you, too. Whatever circumstance we are in, God is with us. I knew God was with me in that hospital operatory. I could choose faith over fear because I knew God promised that whatever happened to me was for the good. In Romans 8:28, God promises to work everything for the good. We can know and trust God’s character. God is good, and His plans are good. “Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever.” (1 Chronicles 16:34

I was not alone on that table; God was with me and in control. Nothing that was out of his hands would happen because God is also sovereign. “Every decision is from the LORD.” (Proverbs 16:33), even those about my physically broken heart. As the tears began to dry on my cheeks, I knew God loved me because His character is love, and He promises his unfailing love to us.

Life gives many opportunities to be afraid. We may face daunting situations daily: diagnosis of a severe illness, a fractured relationship, the death of someone we love, financial loss, world events, or any unexpected change in life. Whatever threat or unnerving circumstance surrounds us, we can be courageous and choose faith over fear. 

What fear do you need to surrender to faith today? We can pray to the LORD that He will open our eyes to His character, power, love, and promises. That is a prayer He is faithful to answer!

© 2024 Robin R King

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