What To Do When Things Don’t Go As Planned

My weekend didn’t go as planned. Our daughter and I were supposed to go to the beach for the weekend with our grandchildren. Two days before we were to leave, my daughter came down with a virus and was too sick to go. Our plans changed, and instead of gazing at the ocean with my toes in the warm sand, I was home cleaning the house and washing clothes. 

When was the last time things didn’t go according to your plans?

I must admit I was a bit disappointed, but as usual, the Holy Spirit corrected my attitude of gloom and self-pity. In my morning “Heart Moment with God” time, I read a prayer from a prayer book we have called “The Valley of Vision, a Collection of Puritan Prayers and Devotions.” As soon as I contemplated one of the prayers, I recognized God’s gracious comfort to me. 

“Thy providence has set the bounds of my habitation and wisely administers all my affairs.” (From the prayer, “God the Source of All Good,” The Valley of Vision.”)

I don’t understand why my weekend plans were changed, but God reminded me that I don’t need to understand. I can trust His boundaries and administration over my life because I know God is wise and good. Whatever the reason for my staying home with my hands in household cleaner rather than my feet in the water, God knows best. He knows all things, and perhaps our staying home was His protection from harm. Maybe I was to spend time with my husband rather than be many miles away. Could my change of plans be to teach me gratitude for any circumstances that arise in my life? Whatever the reason, I know I can make my plans, but God directs my steps. 

“We can make our plans,
    but the Lord determines our steps.” Proverbs 16:9

I’m thankful God is sovereign over our lives. While I felt sadness over my canceled beach trip, I know in life there are far more difficult situations that we can face, making a beach trip pale in comparison. But the truth is, God, administers those events too. 

Sometimes it’s hard for us to see the good in the more serious situations of life, but we can trust God’s hand of control and release our own. He sets the boundaries and administers our affairs much better than we can.  

Heart Moment Prayer: I praise You, Lord, that You are Sovereign. I may not understand the day-to-day happenings in my life, but I know You are good, and Your ways are good. Thank You that I can release control and trust You to administer every detail of my life.

© 2023 Robin R King 

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