The Real Is In The Roots

My hairdresser and I have a very committed relationship – I’ve seen her regularly for over 30 years. Every ten weeks or so, you will find me in her chair getting my hair colored. But truth be told, she knows the real me. 

You see, my hair is showing my age. If you look closely at the roots of my hair, you will see some sage “salt and pepper” in the strands. But my hairdresser covers those “wisdom roots” with a very flattering caramel color. The new color helps to make me look a bit younger than my actual age, though I still must deal with the wisdom lines on my face. The color is fake, but the real me is in the roots. 

In the same way, our hearts, like the roots of our hair, show the real us. 

“As a face is reflected in water,
    so the heart reflects the real person.” Proverbs 27:19 NLT

If we really want to know our authentic or true selves, we only must look at the desires of our hearts. Then, we will see what our life is truly all about. Our lives reflect our desires and what our focus is on. We see the “roots” of our hearts.

Jesus said in Matthew 6:21, “for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

Just as I keep my appointments with my hairdresser regularly, we must also evaluate our hearts regularly. We must look at our lives and observe where and what our focus is on. We need to look at the heart or roots of our lives to see if they align with what God desires of us. 

Make it a priority to sit quietly and have a heart moment with the Lord. It helps to ask yourself and truthfully answer some questions. When you do, you will see the real roots of your heart, not just a fake cover-up.

Listed below are some questions to get you started:

  • What are my priorities?
  • What do I spend my time doing? 
  • What do I spend my money on?
  • Do I focus more on myself or others?
  • How do I treat others? 
  • Am I stingy with my time, or do I willingly sacrifice it for others’ needs?
  • Does my life reflect kingdom priority or self-priority?

After praying and answering the questions, you may feel the conviction of the Holy Spirit to repent of the attitudes of your heart. Then, pray and ask God to refocus your life to align and reflect what He treasures. 

© 2023 Robin R King


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