The Lost Connection

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A few weeks ago, I attempted logging onto my Facebook account and found it had been “suspended.” I was utterly confused as to why FB had suspended my account and blocked me from using its platform. 

I searched for the steps to take to recover my account, but everything I tried failed. Confusion turned to angst and anger and then to desperation. Something I had assumed would be available was suddenly gone. 

Without my connection to FB, I felt cut off from the world and my friends. What would I do without knowing what they were doing, where they were vacationing, what meals they were eating, and without being able to look at their adorable grandchildren?? How would I maintain my connection to them without Facebook? 

During the lost connection, I began reflecting on how I would feel if my “connection” to God was suddenly absent. Would I be confused, troubled, and feel desperate without Him? Would I miss the precious time I spent with Him? Would I feel like I was missing out on something special? Would I miss HIM?

Often, we take our relationship with God for granted and don’t make our connection to Him a priority. Without this connection, we will feel lost and become troubled and confused. We need God’s guidance and wisdom for every part of our lives. A relationship requires time spent together. We need to spend time in His Word and prayer. It is essential that we sit at His feet in silence and listen. 

The definition of priority is “something given special attention; highest or higher in importance, rank, privilege.”

Jesus gives us an example to follow in prioritizing and maintaining the connection. 

And when He had sent the multitudes away, He went up on the mountain by Himself to pray. Now when evening came, He was alone there.” Matthew 14:23

From this verse, we learn that it was a priority for Jesus to spend time with His Father. He removed all distractions, sent the crowds away, and found a place alone. And He prayed. If Jesus needed to maintain the connection with God, think how much more we do! 

I’m happy to report that my tech-savvy daughter and son-in-law discovered how to retrieve my account, and after learning why Facebook had suspended my account, I was soon back to scrolling! The reason? A person or bot hacked my account and attempted to post an “unseemly” picture. I am thankful that Facebook caught the “nasty” and blocked it from being published, as inconvenient as it was. 

While we can lose our connection to Facebook, we never need to lose our connection to God. He is always available for us if we make time to connect to Him. Our time with God renews and refreshes us. It may take some effort on our part. We may need to set aside something good to make time for something better! We may need to get out of bed a little earlier, spend a bit less time on social media, turn the television off, and disconnect from the world. Follow Jesus’ example and make it a priority!

Heart Moment: How can I prioritize daily connection with God? What must I sacrifice to do so?

© 2023 Robin R King

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