John the Baptist; A Purpose-Prepared Heart for Christmas

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Scripture: Luke 1:15-17

The angel Gabriel appeared to a priest named Zechariah to prepare him for the birth of his son, John, or as we know him, John the Baptist. When I think of John the Baptist, a picture comes to my mind of a Tarzan-like man who ate bugs and hollered at people. Indeed, John may have left quite an impression on those with whom he came in contact.

John was known by God, announced to his family, and born just like God said he would be born. And this bug-eating man had an essential purpose assigned to him by God. 

John was a prophet foretold of by Isaiah, who would “go before the Lord to prepare the way for him” and “give his people the knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of their sins.” (Luke 1:76-77)

Simply put, John’s assignment was to tell people that Jesus was coming! And they needed to be prepared. So, when the right time came, John began to holler. 

He went all around “preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.” John was the “voice of one calling in the wilderness,” telling others to “Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him.” (Isaiah 40:3)

John was faithful and fulfilled the mission God gave him. He testified concerning Jesus, the Light of the World. He pointed others to Jesus, who would bring them salvation. 

So likewise, God has a purpose for us. We are to tell others about our Savior. Like John, our purpose is to point others to our Rescuer and Redeemer. 

As we prepare our hearts to focus on our Savior, born on Christmas Day, are we also prepared to introduce the ONE we celebrate, Jesus Christ, to others? 

Are we like John, “witnesses to the Light”? (John 1:7) Are we ready to fulfill God’s purpose for us? Today’s world is a dark wilderness desperately seeking a light to guide the way. Believers in Jesus Christ are to be “a voice of one calling” and, as Jesus said, “the light of the world”. (Matthew 5:14)

Followers of Jesus are called to cry out into the darkness and introduce the lost to the “Light of the World”, Jesus Christ.

Thankfully, we don’t have to dress like Tarzan, eat bugs, or even holler to do it! 

Prayer: Lord, just as John was brave and bold as he carried out the mission you gave him, help me to be a light in this world as you have called me to be. As I prepare my heart for Christmas, let me not forget those who need to know you and boldly proclaim Jesus to them!

© 2022 Robin R King

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