Little HAND Prints

I was cleaning our house a couple of days ago when I noticed two little hand prints on the back door. Immediately, I recognized the hands to be those of our little granddaughter, Lillie. She had been with us a couple of weekends earlier and the prints left behind were evidence of her visit. Of course, being her “Bobbie”, I thought they were the sweetest little prints I’d ever seen, and I left them on the glass rather than wipe them away…for now anyway. Those little hands mean the world to me; the sweetness they bring into our lives, the memories being made, and the reminder of God’s blessings on our family.

Reflecting on the little hand prints,  I thought of what my hands leave behind on the places I’ve been or on the people I’ve been with.  What are they evidence of? Are they evidence of God’s love, a reminder of sweet memories, and the love of family and friends?  Are they hands that are giving, caring, and loving? Helping and encouraging hands? Everything I do should be a reflection of what Christ has done for me and my hands are no exception. My hands should be Christ’s hands to a needy world. They should be available to do whatever God asks me to do. They should leave the sweet “prints” of Christ on everyone I come in contact with, whether it’s someone I know, care for and love deeply, or the cashier at the grocery store

Jesus’ hands were a healing balm to a broken world. His hands had the power to heal and give life. His pierced hands were proof of his love and work on the cross to save all sinners who believe in Him. .

My hands should leave evidence of Christ’s love and God’s blessings on the world.  Just as Jesus’ hands were a blessing to the world, my hands should be a blessing to others.

For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve,

and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45


For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ..

2 Corinthians 2:15



©2017 Robin R King


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