Daddy Now and Forever

Once a Father always a Father.

Jesus having loved his disciples, “loved them to the very end.” (John 13:1) Jesus demonstrated his love for the disciples by washing their feet

and setting an example of humble service for them to follow.

I could say that about my own Father and Mother.

They loved me from beginning to end, not just in words but in actions. They demonstrated their love for me by the care, provision,

encouragement, advice, and security they provided.

Wiping an injured knee, drying tears, giving hugs and Godly discipline, coaching a softball team, keeping a neat and tidy home,

allowing me to make mistakes (and helping me pick up the pieces afterwards), demonstrating solid work ethics,

 and taking me to church every Sunday, were just a few of the ways they said “I love you”.

As I held their hands in their final hours of this life, I knew they were close to seeing Jesus face to face and hearing

 “well done my good and faithful servant!”

They had loved the children God gave them “to the very end.”

I was blessed to be loved by two wonderful parents but I am even more blessed to be called God’s child.

I can call him “Abba” Father…Daddy, because of Jesus Christ.

I was created by God but became his child by adoption through faith in Jesus Christ.

26 For you are all children of God through faith in Christ Jesus

Galatians 3:26New Living Translation (NLT)

Through Jesus, I have the security of belonging to God the Father and no one can ever snatch me from his hands.

 His love is an everlasting love.

God blessed Rod and me with a wonderful daughter who now has a child of her own.

Our daughter is a wonderful mother and she and her husband are providing their own child with the love we had been given and in turn gave to her.

My most fervent prayer is the love continues on through the generations as the Gospel is shared and the generations that come after us

will too, call God “Abba Father”…Daddy.


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