Again and Again

Again and Again. The Bird kept hitting the window again and again. Each morning at work, we gather for a “Morning Huddle” where we discuss the day’s schedule and patients. One morning, while I was still a “newbie”, I heard a “thump” during the huddle. I thought a patient was coming in the door but my co-workers informed me it was the regular bird, flying into the window.  Apparently he has poor navigational skills and hits the window quite often.  In my mind I thought “Silly bird, when will you ever learn?” But again and again, he hits. Apparently he does not learn and has a hard head!

The Israelites were like that too. God sent Moses to rescue them and to lead them out of Egypt. God showed them great miracles. He led them by a pillar of cloud by day and fire by night.  He gave them water to drink (out of a rock!) and fresh manna to eat every morning. Their clothes never wore out and their shoes did not wear off their feet. And, they didn’t even get blisters!  He gave them instructions for their best welfare and protection. But again and again, they doubted God.  Again and Again, they rebelled against Him. Again and Again they went their own way. Again and Again, they hit the window.

How easy it is to say “Silly Israelites, why didn’t you learn your lesson?” But then I have to ask myself the same question. God has been faithful to me but again and again I doubt. Again and Again I rebel against Him. Again and Again I choose my way over His way. Again and Again I hit the window.

In Numbers 14:22  God says, “They have all seen my  glorious presence and the miraculous signs I performed both in Egypt and the wilderness, but again and again they tested me by refusing to listen to my voice.” Despite all God has done for me, the words “again and again” describe many of the days and actions in my life. I refuse to listen to God and obey his promises and commands. What will it take for me to learn my lesson?

God has proven over and over that He is the One who can be trusted and obeyed. God is greater and stronger than any foe so I can have courage. And, God is deserving of my praise! Only when  I replace Doubt with Trust, Fear with Courage, Disobedience with Obedience, and Complaints with Praise, will I learn my lesson.  Then, I will see less of the “again and again” in my life.

Thankfully, God’s grace covers all my “again and again” moments.

Psalm 103:1-3 “Let all that I am praise the LORD; with my whole heart, I will praise his holy name. Let all that I am praise the LORD; may I never forget the good things he does for me.  He forgives all my sins and heals all my diseases.” 








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