Lookin’ Down OR Lookin’ UP?

ON a recent trip out west, my plane was flying low enough that I could catch a glimpse of the Rocky Mountains.  It would be my first view of the Rockies and I was less than impressed.

NOW you and I both know the Rocky Mountains are nothing less than awe inspiring, but from my angle, looking down from above, they were nothing to whoop whoop about. But the problem was, I didn’t have the right perspective. My view was limited and distant. I was looking down and not up.

 I can be that way with God too. If I don’t have the right perspective, I find it hard to perceive God in all his power, glory, spendor, and majesty. If I’m looking down, the world clouds my view of all that God is. When I’m looking down and not up, life and its trouble distort my outlook. Weariness, Worry and Stress, Relationships, Sickness, and Finances are just a few of the challenges that give me a less than rosy view.

But God is greater and higher than any challenges we may face.  He is our Strength when we are weary. He is our Peace when we are worried and stressed. He is the Reconciler of relationships. He is the Healer of the sick. And He is the Provider of all we need. Any situation or circumstance that causes our eyes to lower, our Omnipotent, Omnipresent, and Omniscient God has the answer… if we just look up.

“Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.”

Psalm 42:5


© 2017 Robin R King

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