No Need For The Pity Party

      I was having a pity party that night.  My daughter had recently given birth to our first grandchild and ten days later my sweet mom went to her eternal home with Jesus.  I was used to talking to my mother and daughter everyday but suddenly life as I knew it no longer existed. No more daily conversations, and no more visits, only different schedules and expectations. With my mother’s death a link was broken, family dynamics changed, and I was feeling alone and left out.   To top it off, the chicken didn’t defrost properly so I lost it. (That’s another story!) I huffed and puffed, shed some tears, and finally went to bed to put myself out of the misery of it all.

      Early the next morning, the alarm jarred me awake and I pulled myself out of bed to spend my first minutes of the new day reading my Bible and praying.  The huffing and puffing continued but God in His perfect timing was ready to meet me that morning, huffs, puffs, and all.  My morning devotion led me to Lamentations. The first verse I read was Lamentations 5:19 –

“But LORD, you remain the same forever!”

     God wasted no time reminding me that even though my circumstances had changed,  He remains the same forever.  He is sovereign and He is good. He led me to Lamentations 3:21-23

“The faithful love of the LORD never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning.”  

God was reminding me of His everlasting, faithful love and of his mercy. His continued, never ceasing mercies (note plural!) are new everyday.  God comforted me with 3:49-50 –

“My tears flow endlessly; they will not stop until the LORD looks down from heaven and sees.”

     My tears and broken heart did not go unnoticed.  How timely, how wise, how perfect my God is. I was not alone at all.

     I miss my mom and I miss the way things were but what comfort I receive by knowing and trusting our kind, loving, and merciful God. What comfort He gives us in His Word. He is my hope, my salvation, and he is good to those who depend on and seek him (3:24,25).   He sees, He knows, He loves, He hears.  No need for the pity party. The future is bright for God’s children.  Be blessed, Be joyful.

 deane3 lillie

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