JUST get up

In my last post, I wrote about Gideon, the Mighty Warrior. Gideon was an ordinary guy doing an ordinary thing when God called him to be a Mighty Warrior. God promised He was sending Gideon, He would be with Gideon, and Gideon would have victory over the enemy. All Gideon had to do was to obey. But Gideon delayed.

The blog post came from a lesson I wrote and taught to the Ladies’ small group I lead. That lesson was for me as much as the class. When teaching the lesson, I had to confess my own “delay” over a calling God had on my life. As I studied and taught the lesson, I was convicted more than ever than I must move forward without delay in obedience to what God was calling me to do. God was calling me to “do something”.

My last post reminded me that doing something may cost me my time and may require me to give up something I enjoy.  As it turns out, obedience to God’s calling would cost me time, would require me to give up something I enjoy, and would make me at times uncomfortable. My calling would require me to wake up at 4 am on Friday mornings to attend a 5:25 am meeting. If you know me well,  you know I don’t work on Friday and it is my absolute favorite day.  It’s MY day and getting up 4 am is not on my “Friday List” of things to do!

The night before my first 5:25 am meeting, I asked my husband Rod, if  he had any tips for getting up at 4 am. Being a serious fisherman, my “Bigeyecrappieman” knows a thing or two about getting up early! Without hesitation and with great conviction, Rod answered my question with four words: “you just get up”. That’s it? You just get up?

While it was not what I was expecting, Rod’s answer was just right. When it’s time, you don’t delay, you just get up.  When God calls, you don’t delay, you just get up. Getting up at 4am, and giving up the sleep you enjoy is nothing compared to what God has done for us. God “gave up” His Son Jesus for us. Jesus “gave up” his life for us. Sacrificing, giving up a little sleep is nothing compared to what Jesus sacrificed for us.

When God calls and we “just get up”, we show we are His.  We show we love Him and are thankful for all He has done for us. Disobedience and delay are not options.  To “Just get up” when He calls is an honor and a privilege. He doesn’t have to call us to do anything but He does. He doesn’t need us to accomplish His purposes and plans but He loves us enough to let us participate. All for His glory.

Gideon delayed but He finally answered the call and was used by God to do an extraordinary thing. Gideon just got up and led the Israelites to defeat their enemies. Robin just got up at 4 am and was on time for a 5:25 am meeting. But at 5:25, ordinary turned into extraordinary in God’s hands. What a blessing and gift from God it was…

Come follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men.” At once, they left their nets and followed him.

Matthew 4: 19-20


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