do something…Mighty Warrior

In Judges 6, God called Gideon to lead the Israelites and rescue them from the invading Midianites. But before Gideon fought the enemy on the battlefield, God called him into action right where he was, in his own family, in his own neighborhood, in his own town. God asked Gideon to destroy his daddy’s altar to the pagan god Baal. Gideon had to defy his own daddy and family, friends and neighbors. Gideon had to take a stand. He obeyed and destroyed the altar, despite his fear, the danger, and the consequences he might face.

God is calling us to take a stand for Him right where we are. In our own homes, neighborhoods, and towns. Faith calls us to act even when we are afraid, even when we don’t understand, and even in the face of danger.

God is calling us to DO SOMETHING for HIM...

Doing Something may cost you relationships.

Doing Something may cause division in your circle of family and friends.

               Doing Something may be dangerous.

Doing Something may cost you your reputation.

Doing Something may make you unpopular.

Doing Something may make you seem different, intolerant, and offensive.

Doing Something may cost you time and money.

Doing Something may require you to give up something you enjoy.

Doing Something may make you uncomfortable.

Doing Something is not about what people think but what God thinks.

Doing something is about pleasing God.

Paul knew being a servant of Christ was about pleasing God not others….”Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.” (Galatians 1:10)

God told Gideon “I am sending you.”, and “I will be with you.” Doing Something can be scary but we must trust that like Gideon, if God calls us to do something, He will go before us, He will be with us, and He will see us through it.

God called Gideon, and the Angel of the LORD greeted Gideon with these words, “The LORD is with you, mighty warrior.”  God called Gideon “mighty warrior” even before Gideon knew himself what he was being called to do but God began with the words “The LORD is with you”. (Judges 6:12)  It was because God was with him, that Gideon could be a “mighty warrior”.  God was with Gideon enabling Gideon to do something. When God is with us, we can do something too; no matter what the enemy says, no matter what the world says, no matter what your family, friends, and neighbors say or think. And just a little piece of advice: you are not going to live on this earth forever. Don’t waste time, it’s time to do something now.

 The LORD is with YOU Mighty Warrior!



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