Heart Moments Bible Study: Dealing With Discouragement and Grief

Heart Moments Bible Study: Dealing With Discouragement and Grief

What situation has caused grief in your life or left you discouraged? Was it something you talked about, prayed about, hoped for, and dreamed of? Were you left holding a broken heart and a clenched fist full of tears? If so, you are not alone.

I can remember when I received some news I didn’t want to hear about someone I love. It left me disappointed, worried, and filled with sadness. Much of the anguish I felt was because the news was about a situation that I had wished and prayed for but didn’t turn out as I had hoped.

  1.  Read Isaiah 55:8-9

We may not understand the “why” of our situation. Isaiah 55:8-9 tells us that God’s thoughts are not our thoughts and His ways are not our ways. But when faced with sadness and discouragement, God promises his comfort and healing for our hearts.

2. Psalm 22 is a Psalm of Suffering, and we can learn much from its words. Read Psalm 22:3-5

Psalm 22:3-5 (NLT)

“Yet you are holy,

    enthroned on the praises of Israel.

Our ancestors trusted in you,

    and you rescued them.

They cried out to you and were saved.

    They trusted in you and were never disgraced.”

3. In v3, the Psalmist uses the word “holy” to describe God.

“Yet you are holy, enthroned on the praises of Israel.”

Using a Bible dictionary or other source, look up the word holy.

4. Read Malachi 3:6 and Psalm 119:90. What truths about God’s character do these verses convey?

In times of discouragement and grief, remember the character of God. While the writer of the Psalm is suffering, he is still able to say, “Yet,” because he knows God. He knows God’s character. He knows God is holy; perfect and good. He is wise, and He is faithful. And, He never changes, even when our situations and circumstances do.

5. In your discouragement, it is good to remember the past as the Psalmist does in v4.

“Our ancestors trusted in you and you rescued them.”.

6. Read Psalm 77:11 and Isaiah 43:19. Can you recall a time when a situation or circumstance when you experienced God’s faithfulness?

The writer could gain comfort and strength because he had experienced God’s help in the past. In times of sorrow and difficulty, look back. Recall how God has been faithful to you in past situations and circumstances. Remember the love He has shown you and the way He has provided for you. Remember the prayers that He has answered and the guidance He has given you.

7. Read Exodus 2:23-25. What words describe the Israelites actions? How did God respond?

The Israelites had been slaves in Egypt for 400 years. They groaned. They cried out for help. God heard their cry. He remembered His promise. He looked down on the people, and He acted.

8. What does Psalm 34:17 teach us?

“The righteous ________ out, and the Lord ________ them; he ___________ them from _______ their ______________.”

Scripture assures us that God hears our cry for help. He sees our pain, and He is able to rescue us. “They cried out to you and were saved.” (Psalm 22:5)

God invites us to come to him in our sadness. We are assured he is ready to hear our prayers. He hears our cries and knows our tears. We are to go to His throne where God promises we will find mercy and grace.

Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” Hebrews 4:16 (NIV)

9. Are there times you have difficulty trusting God? Like the Psalmist, we should return to God’s character.

“They trusted in you and were never disgraced.”

We can trust in God because He is entirely trustworthy.

10. Define Trustworthy. We can apply the definition of trustworthy to God. He is reliable, dependable, and utterly deserving of our trust and confidence.

Unlike humans, God is perfect, so He can be, and is worthy to be, trusted. We can trust him to help us. We can trust him to rescue us. He is the one who can set us free from the heartache of this sinful world. As we trust Him, we will never be disappointed.

11. As we learn more about the character of God and experience His compassionate care for us, we will want to praise Him. Will you write a prayer of praise to God right now?


Our journey through life is not always simple or easy, and it can be filled with twists and turns that leave us bumped and bruised, heartbroken and discouraged. But on the journey, one thing is sure – God is still God, and He is still on His throne. The Psalmist knew these truths and, in his suffering, was able to lift his eyes upward and praise his God and find help in his time of need. When the heart is heavy, look up with gratitude to the ONE who is faithful and never disappoints! Then you will be able to proclaim, “yet I will praise Him.”

Exodus 15:2 (CSB) “The Lord is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation. This is my God, and I will praise him, my father’s God, and I will exalt him.”

Prayer: Lord, when I am discouraged and filled with worry and grief, help me to remember your faithfulness in the past, rely on your help in the present, and trust your mercy and grace for my future. Amen.

© 2019, Revised 2021, Robin R King


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