For To Us…Everlasting Father

I was blessed to have an earthly father who loved me, provided for me, and protected me. He wasn’t perfect, as no human is, but he was a wonderful father whom I knew I could always depend on. He’s been gone now for 11 years and I miss him so!
No matter the memory of our earthly father, we have a Heavenly Father who will never leave us. Jesus is the Everlasting Father. Consider the definition of everlasting: continuing indefinitely, eternal, infinite duration, existing at all times. And the meaning of father? Parent, provider, protector, caretaker. “For to us” – we have been gifted with an Everlasting Father, the One who always has been and always will be. Jesus is timeless. He is our provider, our protector, our caretaker, and can always be depended on. He is compassionate toward us. Our Everlasting Father knows us intimately and loves us perfectly.
We may feel alone at times but we are never orphans when we have our Everlasting Father! Rest in the warmth and security of his strong arms. There can be no better gift to receive at Christmas!
© 2020 Robin R King
As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him;”

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