Day 28 – Miracles Do Happen

God’s Word tells us not to worry or fret. We’re not to be anxious about anything and instead take our requests to God. Over and over in His Word, He reminds us that He will provide. God knows what we need and when we need it, and He has all the power and resources to provide.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Phil 4:6-7

Rod needed a liver and he needed it soon. Could we expect the answers to our prayers? Would God provide what we needed? Rod needed a miracle! As we waited we experienced God’s love and provision like we’d never had before. And, right before our eyes, true miracles were taking place – big and small. With limited human sight, we were beginning to see God’s great purpose for Rod and our family. We were witnessing a miracle.

Can I tell you about the miracle of dinners that our friends and Sunday school class provided? Dinners that kept us fed and rested? Dinners that helped us stay within the small budget we were living on with Rod out of work? 

Can I tell you about the love offering that the members of our church gave so that we could survive financially and afford the medical expenses? God provided a miracle through the generosity of his people. 

Can I tell you about the benefit Barbecue given by fishermen of all backgrounds? Rough and tough men pulling together in a way only God could make happen? It was a miracle.

Can I tell you about the friends that made sure our daughter had rides to and from activities so that her life could remain “normal”? Miracle.

Can I tell you about the friend that went door to door of small businesses where he knew the owners, making requests for support for our family? And the positive response he received? Miracle. Many of them did not know us.

Can I tell you about how the ambulance agreed to take Rod to the hospital he should go to rather than the one they were directed to go to? Miracle.

God often works and shows us His love in mysterious and unexpected ways. His miracles don’t always have to be what the world would define as big. But his miracles always serve a purpose. And God gave us and those around us a fresh perspective of Himself and His purpose in the miracles we witnessed and experienced. You see, many of the people around us who gave of themselves and their resources had not trusted in Jesus Christ. But as they witnessed God’s work in and through them, they came to know Him. And the people who did know Christ, their faith was strengthened as they were given a fresh glimpse of God working in our lives. 

God’s promise in Romans 8:28 was demonstrated in the “small” miracles that took place. 

Romans 8:28 (NIV) And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

Often we look for God in the “big” things but our God is big enough to show Himself and care for us in the “small” things too.  

God has a plan and purpose for each one of us. In the dark times, it can be hard to see but we have His promise that it is good.  Even in his illness, God had a good plan and purpose for Rod. And with God’s grace, provision, and miracles, we were beginning to understand what His plan and purpose were.

© 2019 Robin R King

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