Day 22 – Fear Not

There are some 365 forms of “fear not” in the Bible. God makes it very clear we are not to be afraid.  But many times we let fear overcome the fear not. When Rod was so sick we had many moments of fear. Fear of the known and unknown. Would we give into our fear or trust God and fear not? God is a faithful God and His Word is trustworthy.  He is also “Immanuel”, God with us. When we let our hearts give into fear, we need to remember God is with us. 

He is with us when we receive a serious medical diagnosis.

He is with us when we lose a job or suffer a major financial setback.

He is with us when our child rebels.  

He is with us when our spouse leaves us or we face difficulties in our marriage. 

He is with us when traumatic memories fill our thoughts. 

He is with us when the world seems out of control.

He is with us when life takes an unexpected turn.

He is with us when someone we love is suffering.

He is with us when the enemy is relentless.  

God promises to be with and to help us. When troubles threaten to overwhelm us, we must remember and trust in His Word – 

Isaiah 41:10 (NIV)

“So do not fear, for I am with you;

do not be dismayed, for I am your God.

I will strengthen you and help you;

I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

© 2019 Robin R King

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One Comment

  1. I held on to this when my granddaughter was born 2 months early in May and at Duke for 9 weeks. I prayed this everyday I want to see her. God held her in his hands during this time and still does today. I pray I get to see what God’s plans are for her. I want to tell her how many people were praying for her.

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