Day Seven – The Advocate

John 16:7 “But in fact, it is best for you that I go away, because if I don’t, the Advocate won’t come. If I do go away, then I will send him to you.”

I’ve always heard that every hospital patient needs an advocate.  We found this to be true on the day of my surgery and days following. Having Rod by my side saved my life. He noticed when the nurse did not, that my condition began to decline and spoke up, or advocated for me.  While nurses and doctors do their best to provide good care, they can’t be everywhere at once. And in the busyness of a hospital, things get missed. I’m thankful I was not alone.

When Jesus was preparing his disciples for his departure, he assured them that they would not be left alone. He would send the Holy Spirit to be with them. The Holy Spirit would be their advocate, their counselor, their comforter. He would be their guide, their teacher, their intercessor, their helper, and their strengthener. 

The Holy Spirit that Jesus promised His disciples is the same Holy Sprit that indwells believers at the time of our salvation and never leaves.  If you are a believer in Jesus Christ, you are never alone. The Holy Spirit is IN you. He is always with you and knows all about you. He misses nothing. 

I’m thankful Rod was by my side that day in the hospital but as a human, he was limited. If he had left the hospital he would not have known what was happening to me. Quite the opposite, the Holy Spirit’s ministry, power, and presence are limitless and eternal. He’s always there and always knows. The Holy Spirit provides all of our needs and is a whisper of grace from God.

© 2019 Robin R King

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