Hey, Hello, How’s It Going?

I can’t begin to tell you how much impact the encouragement from another believer has on me. I can be “at the end of my rope” so to speak, ready to give up the task God has called me too, when someone encourages me and my strength is renewed and reenergized, giving me the motivation to keep going. 

The Apostle Paul spent time with the Thessalonians before he had to leave them. But, he didn’t forget them. He writes them a letter and I’m sure his letter had as much impact as a pedicure for tired feet does after a walk in the desert!  Paul started his letter with his initial greetings…but then gives them simple, supportive, yet so heartfelt words. 

He let them know how much he appreciated them…“We always thank God for all of you”.

Then he let them know that they were being prayed for…“and pray for you constantly.”

He followed with words that let them know he remembered the good things they had done…“we think of your faithful work, your loving deeds”.

And then he reminded them of their future…“the enduring hope you have because of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

As I read those words, I asked myself when the last time was that I had encouraged another believer like that? We need to ask God to show us someone who needs to hear some encouraging words.  It’s not that hard to send someone a text, a message on FB, a written letter or card. It’s not hard to pick up the phone and call someone or speak to them when you pass them by. But how far those simple acts will go!58886A4A-FE93-4CCA-85AF-7515AB040844

“Hey! You’ve been on my heart!”

“Hello! I just want you to know I prayed for you this morning!”

“Hey! How’s your ministry going?” 

“I’ve heard about some great things you’ve been doing!”

“I love the way you love others and I just want to say, “I love you!”

We all need encouragement and we all need someone to notice us because as believers, it can be challenging to live and serve God in this world. But if we can be like Paul and share some gentle, heartening, and reassuring words, the impact in God’s Kingdom can be profound. 

© 2019 Robin R King

Prayer: Lord, show me someone who needs to hear some reassuring and uplifting words from me today. Prick my heart and open my eyes to notice the one who is tired and worn out, and ready to give up. Then Lord, give me the words to say and the opportunity to speak them!

1 Thessalonians 1:1-3 (NLT)

Greetings from Paul

This letter is from Paul, Silas, and Timothy.

We are writing to the church in Thessalonica, to you who belong to God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

May God give you grace and peace.

We always thank God for all of you and pray for you constantly. As we pray to our God and Father about you, we think of your faithful work, your loving deeds, and the enduring hope you have because of our Lord Jesus Christ.

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